• Products Overview
  • JAGUAR7000
  • JAGUAR6000
  • JAGUAR5000
  • ARA-TS Plus
  • ARA-TS

 Real-time L7 Monitoring/Control
 Designed for 10G Backbone Network
 Supporting Asymmetric Network
 Traffic Identification using L7 Signature.
Conventional security products such as Firewall are not capable of detecting and blocking protocols that use random ports and proxies. As a result, demand for more advanced security products to deal with these types of challenges have grown. ARA’s security management tool, ARA-TS(ARA Traffic Sentinel), uses L7 analysis to identify traffic. The ARA-TS & ARA-TS Plus combined is designed for enterprises who are concerned with the risk of privileged information being leaked and for those who are looking to provide Internet filtering services to their end customers creating potential new revenue streams. ARA’s ARA-TS provides detailed traffic reporting, web logging analysis and abnormal traffic detection to help the administrator recognize potential harmful attacks and illegal Internet access. The administrator can then implement plans of action to prevent costly and irreversible damage.

Product Details Deployment
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